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Monday 9 October 2023

Hello, Cheeky!

Do you ever wake up in the night giggling uncontrollably about something remembered from long ago?

What set me off last night was a story from someone I worked with soon after leaving school.

At his junior school they had a class budgerigar. Its name was written on a sign on the front of its cage. It was easily detached. 

It was in the days when nearly all children walked to and from school, as did their teachers because they all lived locally. Not all cars then. The teacher used to leave her outdoor coat over the back of her chair in the classroom.

One day, she walked home with a sign saying, “My name is Cheeky”, fixed to the back of her coat.

That middle of the night giggling got me a thump in the ribs.


  1. Today she would be charged with identity theft. Poor Cheeky!

    1. I could have predicted that you would side with the budgie.

  2. The oldest joke! Still funny. Fortunately it didn't say "kick me"!

    1. The old ones are the best. Perhaps I am over-analysing, but what tickles me is 1. the concept of a class budgie, budgies being inherently funny anyway, 2. the actual name and the way it was written on the sign as 'my name is', and 3. the image of the teacher in the street and others' reactions. It all comes perfectly together.

  3. My daughter brought a brought a book home for my grand daughter called ' a Squash and a Squeeze'. Our Iris bunked in with her auntie who was awakened in the night by 5 year old Iris laughing out loud in the dark. When she asked Iris about it, she explained that she had a dream that a pig climbed on her pillow and said 'My! You look very comfortable!' We thought it charming, unlike the elbow in your ribs!

    1. I must have a five-year-old's sense of humour. My wife appreciates it but not when it wakes her in the middle of the night.

  4. I can't remember ever having woken up giggling in the middle of the night, but I sometimes remember something funny when I'm on my own on public transport. I guess it happens to everyone, and I don't mind if other passengers think that I've gone off my rails (if they even notice, which is unlikely with almost everybody staring at one mobile device or other).

    1. I can imagine it could be embarrassing on public transport, although you could always look at your phone and pretend to be laughing at that. What you say at the end is right, though. I think a lot of people need to stop wasting their attention and just think about things a bit more, and look out of the window for a while. They would then be likely to do things better and not be so stressed.

  5. No. I do not giggle in the middle of the night and nor does anybody else. It's just you.

    1. Is it boring to be grown up?

    2. Maturity has its rewards as you may discover one day.

  6. You must be an inherently happy person. I'd love to wake up giggling:-)

    1. Maybe. You have to dream about the right things.

  7. I do wake up laughing, not often though. I have been looking up ancestors and have found some came from Methley near Leeds, where they were coal merchants and miners. Some changed their last name slightly. I wonder if they hiding something or maybe they just couldn’t write! Gigi

    1. Good. I am not alone.
      I think it is quite common for names to be spelled in different ways in different sources.
      I used to go through Mechley Junction regularly on the train to Leeds.

  8. Waking up laughing probably guarantees long life or something.

    1. I hope it does, considering what I've got.

  9. Sadly I don't think that I've ever woken up laughing. I do have vivid nightmares from time to time and my husband responds much like your wife and tells me I'm shouting or waving my arms. If I can recall the nightmare the following morning he then tells me what it meant! To wake up laughing sounds so much better. (I say ignore Yorkshire Pud and don't grow up!)

    1. It can happen during the daytime too. I know other "sufferers". I doubt we are much fun to be with, except to ourselves.

  10. Tim woke me up one night flailing about in bed and yelping. He was having a dream about rattlesnakes. I could have been slashed to death. The man has some lethal toenails.

    I would much rather be awaken by laughter. Well. Unless you have an evil laugh. That would NOT be good.

    I guess I will take my chances with the toenails.

  11. The answer must be no lol so sorry xx

    1. OK, but I could imagine you as the perpetrator of that prank, except you are not from Shipley.

  12. When I was a boy, my father had a pair of budgies, one called Joey, the other called - yup, you guessed it - Cheeky. He also had finches (at a different time) and I believe one of them was called Cheeky too. There's no reason to think that the other's name wasn't Joey. Thanks for reminding me of that time from childhood.

    1. I think that part of what make me laugh about the above is the name, Cheeky. It is such a silly name.


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